A bird in the tree
Is never afraid
Of the branch breaking.
Because its trust
Is not in the branch
But in its own wings.
Charlie Wardle

2020 Eclipses
January 10: Cancer Lunar Eclipse (2nd Eclipse of the Winter Eclipse season)
Summer Eclipse Season features 3 eclipses
June 5: Lunar Eclipse on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis
June 21: Solar Eclipse in Cancer at the Summer Solstice
July 5 Lunar Eclipse on the Capricorn/Cancer axis
Winter Eclipse Season (first of two eclipses occurs the end of 2020)
December 14 Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (visible in S. America)
Eclipses come in pairs. There are two eclipse pairings each year. Occasionally there is a cycle that features three eclipses like what we will experience in the 2020 Summer Eclipse Season. The additional eclipse emphasizes the potential for a radical shift in awareness and in circumstance.
During an eclipse: the earth, sun and moon line up with one body blocking another, thus disrupting the electromagnetic energy that continually flows towards the earth. The flow momentarily ceases, and in that moment, there is an opening for something new to be introduced, a new awareness or potential. In the wake of the eclipse, there is likely to be a minor or major adjustment to some aspect of our live. It can be an unwelcome disruption if we have wandered off course and are in need of a jolt to bring us into alignment.
Lunar eclipses occur on a Full Moon when the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun.
Solar eclipses occur on a New Moon when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth.
The miracle of an eclipse is that even though the Sun is 400x the size of the Moon and is 480x the distance from the earth, from our vantage point here on earth, they appear to be exactly the same size, so exact that at an eclipse the Moon perfectly covers the Sun or vice versa.
Cancer Lunar Eclipse January 10, 2020
Prioritize Self-Care Amid Intensity
The heart is like a garden
It can grow compassion
Or fear;
Or love.
Jack Kornfield

The January 10 Lunar Eclipse is the second eclipse of this season, with the December 26 Solar Eclipse in Capricorn marking a radical new beginning. It is radical because for the beginning to emerge, there may need to be a breaking down or falling away of structures, habits or cultural norms so there is room for the new to emerge. In this way, the new beginning may initially look like a series of endings.
The January eclipse packs a wallop. There is an impressive, eyebrow raising number of planets traveling side by side in Capricorn (Pluto, Saturn, Sun, Mercury in a tight conjunction with Jupiter and the South Node nearby). The Moon in Cancer is at the opposite end of the sky creating a dynamic tension between responsibility and vulnerability, between career and home. between dogged determination and gentleness. The desire to nurture home and family and to assure our safety comes to the fore.
Emotions naturally run high at a Full Moon, but this one is further amplified by the Eclipse and by the Moon being in a water sign. The Cancer Moon draws out our sensitivity, our feelings and emotional needs. In the midst of the unrest on the world stage and at home, this powerful New Moon reminds us to put care of ourselves into the equation of how to allot our time and energy alongside the pressing needs of what must be done. We can harness the Capricorn sense of discipline, routine and accountability to creating an exercise routine, healthy diet and/or healthy habits that will ensure we do not lose sight of self-care in the midst of the care we give to everything around us.
January 13 – Exact conjunction with Pluto and Saturn with five planets in Capricorn
There is big powerful energy at work this week. On the heels of the eclipse is a rare conjunction between these two planetary giants at 22 Capricorn. The conjunction has been building for some months now. We have felt its momentum in the destabilization of governments, laws, leaders and the status quo. The planet of transformation and the planet of boundaries, laws and authority have teemed up to herald substantive change within how human society functions.
Capricorn is the structure of our lives - the riverbanks that direct the flow of water, energy, ideas, even love. This conjunction indicates that there is one or more areas of our life that call for greater accountability and a restructuring. Somewhere the flow has become stagnant, dammed or constricted. This is where we can look for endings to pave a way for a new beginning.
Jupiter will join Saturn and Pluto come March and the three will travel together for the rest of 2020 emphasizing the virtue of adopting Capricornian traits of discipline, restraint, tenacity, and responsibility to meet the challenge and changes ahead.
To Read the Article on the Influence of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto this year, click here
Summer Eclipse Season
As you breathe in cherish yourself.
As you breathe out,
Cherish all beings
Dalai Lama
June 5, 2020, Lunar Eclipse with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at 15 degrees
There will be a dynamic tension between remaining connected to the truth that lives within us while simultaneously listening to others, taking in new information, and collaborating. We will strive to act and speak more from intuitive wisdom.

There will be a call to adventure to learn or share what we have learned. We will be restless and optimistic around a compelling desire to try something new, go someplace we have never been, meet new people or embark on a new course of study. We may also be propelled to teach or guide others and look for ways to do this.
Relationship issues (Sun conjunct Venus Retrograde square Mars square the Moon and Neptune) are accentuated. With our desire for adventure and imagination sparked, we may want to move in an unanticipated direction that bumps up against agreements or expectations we have with those we love. It is okay to take a step back or take a breather from seeking a ready resolution and allow each other time and patience for the path ahead to clear.
Mars makes several key and notable appearances in 2020 to spark drive, passion and the desire to fight for what matters. Squaring this Eclipse, Mars energy is intensified and if not channeled well, can be explosive. There can be harsh words spoken, accidents, or pent-up frustration. When we are getting overheated this year, best to get up and move: Hike a mountain. Chop wood. Go Dancing. This will help keep the Mars energy flowing in a good way; then when we engage in conversation, we will feel more centered, ready to listen, and able to speak our needs without making them sound like demands.
Solar Eclipse June 21 at 0 Cancer on the Summer Solstice

In the dark of the Moon and the Eclipse, we seed a beginning related to home, family, and security. There is resonance with the January 10 Eclipse when the Moon and North Node were also in Cancer. This is another opportunity to create a new way of nurturing ourselves and those we love, as we seek to have the nurturing of each other become a value expressed on a global level in government and institutional priorities.
July 5 Lunar Eclipse with Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer at 13 degrees
Healing in Partnership is the theme of this Eclipse which features a Grand Square with Juno and Chiron. The Summer Eclipse season points to the need to work on and deepen our relationship with others. We are likely to be in the midst of intensity and creating solutions that set a new course of action. Those around us may have different ideas on how to navigate the changing tides. The challenge is to respect what others are saying, deepen our relationship with those we love, and not lose sight of the truths that live within us.
There is a theme emerges in the 2020 eclipses. It is all too easy to minimize the care of ourselves and those we love as we get caught up in what we are wanting to achieve or in the task of shoring up and making our lives more secure. The Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction, that sets the tone for the year, heralds a year of intensity and unexpected change. The eclipses show us that we can weather it, make better decisions and stay centered and grounded if we don’t distance ourselves from the care of self and others, and instead prioritize it as never before.
Current Offerings
$20 Off Readings
New Year's Offer extended until January 30, 2020
Excludes "Follow Up Readings" or "Workshops"
Promo Code: Welcome2020
Workshop: Astrology 101
Learn Astrology in a Dynamic, Interactive Format

Sunday afternoons beginning
January 19 in Asheville, NC
For details, click here
Or contact Liv at livwoodford@gmail.com
An Evening Talk:
Signature Dynamic of 2020
Friday, January 17
7 - 9pm
Earth Fare Meeting Room, Westgate Mall, Asheville, NC
Olivia will talk about how January's Saturn/Pluto conjunction sets the tone for 2020 and what we can anticipate on the world stage. The remainder of the evening will focus on the birthcharts of attendees with interpretation and discussion of potentials stimulated by the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.