Everything has a way
of coming full circle.
It takes patience and perseverance
to see a dream through…
to close the circle.
Because some dreams,
like some circles,
can be much bigger than others.
Karen Dale Trask

The Full Moon on June 21, 2024, at 29 Capricorn amplifies our awareness that a cycle is coming to a close - in our life and in the life of the collective. There are actions we are to take before the end of 2024 to complete well what we have set out to accomplish.
We are coming full circle and as we close out a chapter of life. We simultaneously are integrating the learnings, healings and achievements of this chapter in preparation to embrace the next turn of the page and the change it will bring.
We feel a heightened tension between the call to dedicate ourself to fulfilling commitments and the growing desire to better nurture ourselves and tend to our personal needs. Listening to our feelings at the Full Moon can yield insight on adjustments we can make to honor our responsibilities in the world in a way that also allows us to tend to – not quiet - our personal wellbeing.
The Capricorn Moon:
Conjunct Pluto
Trine Mars and Uranus
Sextile Neptune
Mercury Square Mars and Uranus
Full Moon Ruler: Saturn Retrograde
This is the Second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn emphasizing the importance of taking time to get clear on what we hope to accomplish by the end of the year and then taking concrete steps to making sure that we are on track towards the fulfillment of what we have started. While the annual Full Moon in Capricorn happens halfway through the year and cues us to evaluate how or plans for the years is going and to make adjustments to these plans, there is a larger cycle that this Full Moon taps into.
The final degree of Capricorn stirs goals and ambitions and compels to take ownership of what is happening and what we want to have happen in our life. Assuming full responsibility for what we want to create with this year, we are then encouraged to pace ourselves, be strategic and methodical in how we address and make things happen.

No matter the deviation,
all things come full circle.
You begin and end your journey
in the same place, but
with a different set of eyes.
Big Endings, Big Feelings, Big Release
Capricorn Full Moon Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
This is an especially potent Full Moon because the Moon is hitched to Pluto's coat tails. This brings emotional intensity and the potential for transformation and catharsis. We are receiving a reality check that requires us to face our fears and be honest about what is working and what is not working. If we do this, we can discover a new approach and new solutions that support us in accomplishing what we set out to do.
Pluto’s entry into Aquarius heralds a paradigm shift in the way we live, but connected with the Capricorn Moon our attention is drawn to the past and what needs to be released so we are free to move forward. The Full Moon also foreshadows Pluto's return to Capricorn where it will hang out at the 29th degree of Capricorn September 1 – November 21 before moving back into Aquarius where it will stay for the next twenty years. So the Full Moon is highlighting themes we will experience this Fall as Pluto completes its 16-year agenda in Capricorn. There are structures and systems that need to be deconstructed and cleared away so we are freed up to move into a future that promises to be a radical departure from what we have been living.
Within the year, Neptune will complete a 126 year cycle around the zodiac wheel, and Saturn a 30-year cycle. The position of these two planets in the sky further cues us to recognize that we are in a time of great transition and change. What we are experiencing as individuals is connected to the collective movements and shifts taking place. What can occur as a small ending in our lives can actually be connected to a larger cycle of learning and growth.
There are circles within circles. The Full Moon is the culmination of the month’s efforts. The Capricorn Full Moon marks the time of year we evaluate how the year is going and what we want to accomplish by the year's end. Yet, conjoined with Pluto, we are alerted to a deeply transformative component that involves the completion and release of a karmic pattern. There is a limiting belief, relationship pattern, or habitual behavior that has had held us in its grip; in the coming months there is great opportunity to arrive at the resolution we have been seeking, and to no longer have that pattern or that behavior run us as it once has.
There is an emotional intensity and a building pressure to complete what is ready to be completed and released from our life. The Capricorn Moon helps us to steady and pace ourselves and to have a methodical approach to the weeks and months ahead.
Pluto is connected with archetypes and themes of death. Yet, Pluto is not about death as something final, but as a portal to rebirth. Pluto reminds us that nothing ever really dies. It simply changes form - that life is not linear, but cyclical. And so, in this time of completion, we have the experience of coming full circle.

Out of perfection
nothing can be made.
We are Supported to Do What Needs to Be Done
The Full Moon and Pluto are in conversation with multiple planets, stimulating and amplifying the intensity and invitation of the Full Moon. These planets are either at the first or final degree of a sign, further reinforcing our perception that we are in a time of transition where we are straddling the old ways of operating and the vision of the future.
Uranus trine the Moon/Pluto conjunction
There can be a fresh perspective, and deep insight around what is happening and what is not happening. Solutions can emerge that we didn’t see before. Resources or new options can suddenly emerge. We may feel challenged, but we also feel up to the challenge.
Mercury Square Mars and Uranus
Our thinking is ramped up. We want to be in control of what is happening, but instead find ourselves adjusting plans to unexpected events or information. Some of these changes can be exciting, but they weren’t anticipated and so our mind may be working overtime to keep up. This is the first of three squares Mercury will make to Uranus in the coming weeks; new ideas or circumstances will at first surprise or even throw us for a loop, but we will come to see how to embrace it, incorporate and utilize what has been revealed to us.
Mars trines the Moon/Pluto conjunction
The pace of life is likely to pick up and we will have the tendency to multitask and seek out ways to exchange or absorb new ideas and concepts (Mars entering Gemini). We are energized and supported in handling and taking on more. We are hungry to learn and seek out information and conversations that enrich us.
Neptune sextile The Moon/Pluto conjunction
After 165 years, Neptune has arrived once again at 29 Pisces, the final degree of the zodiac. In our life, we may feel exhaustion and the mental fatigue that comes with endings and the energetic toll they exact. There may be heaviness or grief. If we overly engage with media, we can feel confusion around what is real and not real, true and not true. Likewise, engaging in spiritual practice or being in nature, we can experience a detachment and a perspective that has us sense the larger movement of what is unfolding that allows us to surrender to the changes taking place in our life and in the collective. Knowing what activities will drain our energy and which will nourish a positive outlook is key at this time so that we do not become overly exhausted, disillusioned or unduly disoriented.
Further Emphasis on Endings and Perspective
Full Moon Ruler: Saturn
Saturn's is in its second of three years in Pisces, drawing attention to how everything in the manifest world has an expiration date, and the accompanying realization that some things have reached their expiration date. We are encouraged to deepen our connection to that which endures and does not pass away - our relationship to the divine. This will assist us in not holding on to what is passing. There can be grief about what is leaving us, especially unrealized dreams that are no longer worth pursuing.

Additional Thoughts on Pluto in Capricorn (2008 - 2024)
In the astrology of the collective, Capricorn is the leaders, institutions, governments and systems that establish the status quo and how society runs. Pluto in Capricorn has fueled the tyrant, authoritarian power, and the amassing of great wealth amongst a few. Yet, Pluto has a deeper agenda with Pluto which has to do with transformation, with clearing away what no longer serves and ushering in a rebirth.
During Pluto's 16-year journey through Capricorn, the corruption and failings of our social systems have been exposed. Where integrity is lacking in our leaders and institutions, this has been a time of reckoning. Exposure and the airing of secrets is only one step in the process. Once weaknesses and vulnerabilities are exposed, then the power of the corrupt systems and leaders begin to crumble. Capricorn represents hierarchy and the patriarchy and Pluto is strategically amplifying its weaknesses as part of a deconstruction process. Those who benefit from the old order will fight to keep it and be ruthless in their pursuit of keeping the current systems going. They may have some success in delaying the inevitable, but not in averting it.
Pluto’s return to Capricorn September through November will complete what it began in 2008. There will likely be events that further destabilize and dismantle the old order and what is not working so that the new vision and a new way of life can emerge as Pluto re-enters Aquarius the end of 2024. Aquarius rules technology and innovation; AI, robots and transhumanism will be part of what is rapidly embedding itself in our future. Pluto’s last time in Aquarius 250 years ago brought about the birth of democracy and many inventions that revolutionized human life (such as the telephone, printing press, electricity). There is a revolution coming in how we live, and the emphasis on the last degree of Capricorn - at this Full Moon and in Pluto's coming movements - encourages us all to finish up what we know is time to complete so we freed up to greet the sweeping changes that are dawning in 2025.
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