If you could erase
all the mistakes of your past,
you would also erase
the wisdom of your present.
Remember the lesson,
not the disappointment.

The Full Moon on December 7, 2022 at 16 Gemini
amplifies inquisitiveness to learn, absorb and
discover the truths buried in the fictions
that color our perception.
We are cautioned to curb the inclination to let frustration get the better of us, to slow down and be mindful of how we talk to ourselves and others, and not let our mind be overstimulated by entertaining its every curiosity.
We are in a period of assimilation, where the wisdom of the year is being distilled as we await the dawn of the coming year that arrives with the Winter Solstice. (This is supported Mars Retrograde, Mercury entering the shadow zone of its upcoming retrograde and Jupiter in the last degree of the zodiac.) We are marinating, assimilating new understandings and absorbing the wisdom gained by our recent choices and adventures. This will lead to the weaving of a new narrative, a new language for how speak and give shape to our life.
Full Moon Ruler: Mercury, in Capricorn, conjunct Venus
Mars Retrograde conjunct Gemini Moon
Saturn trine Moon and Mars
Neptune square Full Moon
Uranus quincunx the Gemini Moon
Chiron sextile the Moon and trine the Sun
The fixed star Rigel and Asteroid Altjira conjunct the Gemini Moon
The Sun in Sagittarius opposes the Gemini Moon, creating a dynamic tension. The Gemini/Sagittarius axis stimulates a hunger to learn and a desire to share what we have learned. Gemini, insatiably curious, gathers facts, information and experience. Sagittarius distills and integrates this into knowledge and a deeper understanding of what has been learned.
Two weeks ago, The New Moon in Sagittarius initiated a process where we began distilling the wisdom from our interactions, choices and experiences of this last year as preparation for the next adventure, the next quest we will launch in our lives. This process culminates at the Full Moon with a level of intensity and emotional charge that compels us to tweak our story to incorporate what we have learned.
To slice through illusions and self-defeating narratives, we are to be curious about how we see, hear and process information. We can more readily identify where we are swept up in cultural distortions that prevent us from living in harmony with natural law and our heart's desire. We don’t have to venture far to discover the deeper truth behind all the misinformation, miscalculations and misperceptions, as we will readily encounter what we need to see in our daily interactions and mundane activities. There is a powerful integration process that can occur if we focus our mind and not let it be distracted by a wide array of possible distractions that can so easily seduce us away from the essential.

The beauty of life is,
while we cannot undo what is done,
we can see it, understand it,
learn from it and change
so that every new moment is spent
not in regret, guilt, fear or anger
but in wisdom, understanding and love.
Jennifer Edwards
Breaking Point
Mars Retrograde conjunct the Gemini Moon
Our thoughts are ramped up, activated by the presence of aggressive and passionate Mars. We may find ourselves churned up as we reflect on the past year, sifting through choices, conversations and plans. There are new choices to be made, and it is not about disparaging ourselves or others for perceived missteps, but harvesting we learned.
We are at a breaking point, where illumination and wisdom can be found. To do this we need to counter the inclination to get let ourselves get worked up about something to the point where we are spinning our wheels or acting out as a means to dispel the energy. (the Full Moon is the climax of both the lunar and Martian retrograde cycles, with the Moon and Mars exactly opposite the Sun). We are further fired up as Mars is also the closest planet to the earth now and is Out of Bounds (traveling outside the ecliptic).
We are primed to boldly strike out in a new direction, break ties with something that holds us back, and establish clearer distinctions and boundaries. This process may be accompanied by increased frustration, anger, and passion especially in response to a communication, piece of information or how we are perceiving a situation. We are cued to slow down and be curious about what is not already apparent and to look for what we can learn in the current dynamic. Making rash decisions or speaking our mind for the sake of releasing the pressure are to be curbed. Our mind is a useful tool and it takes concentration and skill to wield it in a generative and not destructive or careless way.
We may desire and even be presented with an opportunity to teach and educate others on we have learned. We just need to watch that we are not coming from a reactive place where we are trying to silence what another believes or is trying to say. We may have something valuable to contribute if the those on the receiving end have requested, or are open to, what we have to offer.
Six planets in mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo) – There is a fluidity, which has us more malleable, adaptable and flexible. We can more open to a perceptual shift that frees up vitality. This much mutable energy can also have us feeling restless. We may not complete things we have started as we dart from interest to interest. We are guided to slow down, to identify what is essential and not fritter away our time and energy
Four planets are "Out of Bounds" (traveling outside the pathway of the ecliptic). In addition to Mars, Moon, Mercury and Venus are ‘renegade’ - having stepped off the defined pathway of their planetary orbit. We may be feeling somewhat defiant and rebellious, willing to act in a way that is out of character. This can serve to help us break out habitual patterns and ways of responding that are not aligned with the wisdom of what we know is true about ourselves.

If you really want to help this world,
what you will have to teach is how to live in it.
And that no one can do who has not themselves learned
how to live in the joyful sorrow and the sorrowful joy
of the knowledge of life as it is.
Joseph Campbell
Grounding our Thoughts
Full Moon Ruler: Mercury conjunct Venus
Mercury has just entered Capricorn, helping us to focus our mind and harness the powerful mental energetics fueled at the Full Moon. We can more readily channel the aggressive and rebellious tendencies of the Mars Retrograde and Out of Bound planets. Capricorn is the strategist, looking for structure, order and a sound plan. Mercury in this position is the kite string that grounds the airy Gemini Moon and Mars, allowing us to concentrate on what what matters most so we can harvest the potential of the Full Moon and avoid the pitfalls of impulsive and rash behavior. Conjoined Venus, Mercury supports us to say the right thing at the right time which counters the Full Moon's propensity to have us just blurt out something that we cannot take back
Boot Camp for the Mind
Neptune square Full Moon
Uranus quincunx the Gemini Moon
Chiron sextile the Moon and trine the Sun
Saturn trine Moon and Mars
Numerous planets are interacting with the Full Moon, giving it added dimension and complexity. Our minds are ramped up, agitated, stretched, confronted, inspired, and in general, put through a kind of boot camp experience. We are hungry to learn, discover, explore and invent. The benefits of the Full Moon will be found if we pursue knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Otherwise, we may find ourselves frazzled, increasingly frustrated, and potentially lashing out in anger. Without a clear intention to help guide our actions, we may jump from one thing to the other and get caught up in illusory pursuits that only serve to increase our restlessness and agitation.
Neptune square the Full Moon. We are wildly creative and intuitive at this time; we can easily be swept up in fantasy or illusions that keep us from seeing ourselves or a dynamic clearly. Simultaneously, we can have insight into how we can get swept up in ideas or pursuits that are rooted in a desire to avoid some reality or truth.
Uranus quincunx the Gemini Moon. If we remain focused on the desire to deepen our understanding, we can have flashes of insight that breaks through limiting perceptions about ourselves, our life or something we are planning to put into action. If we are not mindful, this dynamic can easily have us exploring a broad spectrum of topics and being attracted to novelty.
Chiron sextile the Moon and trine the Sun. We are in a process of unlearning what we have been taught. We can more readily see through distorted truth. Past wounds may surface where we relive the pain of having been gullible, deceived or taken advantage of because we trusted a person who was in the role of teaching us. Integrating the past, we can uncover our natural voice and a way of seeing that is aligned with truths that are more expansive and life-affirming.
Saturn trine Moon and Mars. Saturn’s presence helps us stabilize what we are discovering, so the learnings are integrated. We are further supported to slow down, to focus and to distill the wisdom from events of the last year so that it becomes part of the fabric of who we are and can influence the choices we are readying to make.

Where there is love and wisdom
there is neither fear or ignorance.
St. Francis of Assisi
Finding Order in What has been Chaotic
Fixed Star Rigel conjunct Gemini Moon
The star, Rigel is located in the left foot of the constellation, Orion. Rigel is a 1st magnitude star making it one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Orion, perhaps the most easily identified constellation in the Winter Sky, has been called The Giant, The Hunter, as the Egyptian Osiris and The Pharoah.
Rigel is active, as in putting one’s best foot forward. Its presence further empshasizes a desire to learn, to educate, to teach, to bring knowledge to others. We are supported in bringing structure to a group, and to create or revise laws by which a group lives by. We are to not seek personal gain but to look to how our knowledge can serve the larger community. There are ways we can help to resolve chaos and create order through what we have to teach as long as we are not arrogant or exude an air of superiority while we do it.
Attuned to the Larger Dream
Altjira conjunct Full Moon
Altjira is a Kuiper Belt asteroid and named for the aboriginal creation deity and the central deity of the Dreamtime. Aligned with the New Moon, we are open to the great cosmic force that dreams all creation into existence. We can open to the Dream of our lives, the soul knowing of why we are here and the big picture of how our life is unfolding as part of the great dance of our soul with all creation. We may receive a vision or dream that has us remember ourselves or bring clarity to our purpose. Altjira's presence invites us to remember that there is a force larger than ourselves that is propelling, gracing and guiding our lives. By seeking answers and wisdom from beyond something beyond what our cognitive mind can conceive on its own, we open to the great mystery of life and how we are part of the creation that is unfolding within and all around us.
Completion, Integration, Seeding the New
Jupiter at 29 Pisces
Jupiter has returned to the last degree of the Zodiac. The Great Benefic and planet of growth is pointing us to a time of completion and gestation, where the learnings from this year's experience will fertilize and seed the new life that will dawn at the Winter Solstice. Taking a cue from Jupiter, we can pause and reflect on how we have come full circle around an issue, a relationship, or a goal. We can acknowledge how we have grown in wisdom and strength of character. Slowing down, we can assimilate what we have learned and allow the next great adventure in our lives to be seeded.