Things are not getting worse –
They are getting uncovered.
We must hold each other tight
And continue to pull back the veil.
Adrienne Marce Brown

Strong Feelings arise with the Scorpio Full Moon April 26/27, 2021
The fast pace of the last weeks wanes. A significant shift has taken place that has us slowing down, and feeling more cautious. We are encouraged to curb activity so there is the spaciousness to be responsive to what is rising within us. The personal planets have moved into feminine signs (Taurus and Cancer) and attention has turned inward to allow for a reassessment of our direction and priorities.
We are embracing practical methods to increase stability in our life (Venus, Sun and Mercury in Taurus) marking a dramatic departure from the initiatory and bold energy we may recently have felt as these same planets moved through Aries. Mars has also shifted from curious and social Gemini into cautious and sensitive Cancer. The initial surge of spring past, we are adopting a more sober view of finances and how to utilize available resources, and what it will take to construct, build and realize short- and long-term goals.
The Scorpio Full Moon is a Super Moon, accentuating and stimulating our feeling nature. The Full Moon is illuminating the nature of what is inhibiting the desired movement in our lives, with the aim of releasing what is holding us back and slowing us down.
Scorpio is the deep oceanic waters. These waters are not illuminated by the sun’s light, and make up what is hidden within our unconscious. Water signs are associated with feelings, and the feelings nature of Scorpio is intense and passionate. We may be surprised by the depth of feelings around past circumstances that surface anew. Feelings we may have minimized or closeted away rise up to be healed and integrated.
The waters of Scorpio initiate healing and transformation. On the flip side, if we barrel forward, ignoring the feelings that are stirring, we can become obsessive or compulsive in our behavior. If we allow ourselves a pause and give space for our feelings, there is great potential for the full moon waters to cleanse and purify, and dissolve the effects of trauma we carry with us. Moving in tune with our feelings, while avoiding intellectualizing or compartmentalization them with rationalizations, we open to intuition, to the language of our soul, and the nature of the deep self. Beyond logic and the information provided by the 5 senses, the Full Moon opens us to the full dimension of our being is accessed, providing a fresh perspective about who we are and where we are going.
We may be feeling stagnant with all the earth and water energy. This is all the more reason to turn inward and see what is stirring beneath the surface that when released, will fertilize and nourish the desired growth within our lives.

Maybe the journey
Isn’t about becoming anything.
Maybe its about un-becoming everything
That isn’t really you, so you can be
Who you were meant to be in the first place
Paul Coelho
Mars and Pluto: Rulers of Scorpio
More about the Full Moon can be ascertained from looking at the movement’s of its rulers. Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto and speak to issues of power and powerlessness.
Pluto’s transformative powers are amplified as the planet has slowed to a standstill, stationing and readying to turn retrograde. Pluto’s motion further emphasizes the impulse to turn inward and be curious about the inner work that can be done to shed outworn beliefs and let go of the baggage we carry with us. In Capricorn, we can contemplate our experience of control or of feeling controlled in relation to boundaries and authority. Throughout the last decade Pluto has been applying steady pressure so create the necessary transformation so that the structures and responsibilities that define our lives are created and held in a way that does not deflate but empower us.
Mars shows us where and how we are ready to take action. We are fueled to face and overcome challenges and barriers that present themselves (Mars trine with the Full Moon). Yet, the potency of Mars in Cancer is weakened and is drained of its usual oomph and drive. Actions are colored by feelings and lack objectivity. Childhood needs and the desire to protect and defend what we feel belongs to us can color our perceptions while Cancer is in the sign of home, family and safety. With Mars, ‘out of bounds’ until May 24, we can be mindful of areas where we are projecting past experiences of not feeling safe onto a current situation.
Restlessness and Restriction –
2021's Key Dynamic is Amplified at the Full Moon
The square between Saturn and Uranus, the underlying dynamic of 2021, is stimulated. We are likely experiencing the conflict between Uranus (expansion) and Saturn (contraction). We seek radical change (Uranus) and yet feel tied to the way things have worked (Saturn). The movements of the year happen within the context of this struggle between embracing the new and feeling entrenched in the old. (For more on the Uranus/Saturn square, read The Astrology of 2021)
The Saturn/Uranus square is amplified in the following ways:
We have the ingenuity to break new ground, yet our emotions are unpredictable. We may have mood swings, anxiety and encounter something unexpected that makes us either more tentative or more erratic. (Uranus conjunct the Sun and oppose the Moon)
There is a feeling of restriction that makes it hard to emotionally connect with others. We may be reminded of past failures, triggering loneliness, grief and shame. (Saturn square both the Sun and Moon)

If we do not work for individual
transformation, talking about world
peace is just an entertainment.
Saturn’s presence brings restraint and is a depressive influence (squaring Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus). There is a lack of flow, a feeling of being thwarted. Our thoughts can become overly critical, and we may question our value or the value of how we are approaching life. We question our relationships and ponder what changes need to be made. Saturn weighs us down as a way for us to face what is really going on and to be accountable. We are to contemplate what is holding us back and harness the Scorpio Moon to let our feelings guide us towards resolution and a return to forward movement. Saturn in Aquarius has an eye to establishing a new future, but it is compelling us to look at our visions in a grounded, realistic way.
Uranus is two years into its seven-year journey in Taurus
Uranus = Change.
Taurus = The Earth
Uranus in Taurus = Earth Changes.
With 7 planets in fixed signs, we want to fix things in place. We do this with determination and disciplined effort. Yet, in the face of Uranus in a fixed sign (Taurus), we may be feeling stubborn or resistant and may dig in our heels, refusing to change our ways or perspective. Uranus indicates we are in a big process of change in relation to all things associated with the earth: land and soil, agriculture and food production, financial systems and the earth’s resources (oil, gas, ore). This last week Venus and Mercury were conjunct Uranus and in three days the Sun will conjoin with Uranus. Pragmatism and a more cautious approach to life is tempered with recognition that deep change is in the works and we are feeling the need to ride on the wings of this change. As much as we are giving ourselves to solidifying and steadying our life, we are feeling prodded to open to new ways of living so we can meet the changes of tomorrow.
In Summary
The planets are currently in forward motion. We are feeling the urge to move forward. Yet, we feel restless, even rebellious with a feeling of being unduly restricted. (Saturn square the Full Moon). Deep feelings are released with this restriction, slowing down our momentum to realize goals (Scorpio Full Moon oppose the planets in Taurus). There is unpredictability, mood swings and lack of stability (Uranus in Taurus opposing Full Moon). We can take heart in the recognition that nothing is amiss and that if we can honor our feelings and move towards cleansing us of the wounds we carry, this slowing down time will have been well served.
So, let us take time to sit in the dirt, watch the flight of a bird or spend an evening watching the stars moving across the sky. It may seem that our world and lives are moving slower than we wish. Yet, we can ponder that
The earth spins on its axis at 665 miles per hour,
The earth moves around the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour
Our solar system hurtles through space at 448,000 miles per hour.
And our galaxy moves in its orbit at 130 miles per second.
What may feel a lack of movement, and yet we are in perpetual movement. We may wish things moved faster, and yet they may be moving faster than we imagine. We can be grateful for the gravity and weight of Saturn that can fix us in time and place. And we can embrace The Full Moon as the opportunity to allow our feelings to catch up to the pace of modern life and the sheer amount of movement that is happening, both seen and unseen, as we integrate our past and the massive changes humanity has introduced within our lifetime.

May Special!
The Summer of 2021
45-minute Reading
Two eclipses (May 26 and Jun 10) offer a reboot and new opening in our lives.
In the midst of the eclipse season Mercury will be Retrograde May 29 - Jun 22.
What big shifts are you contemplating and readying for
and how will the summer open up in the wake of the June dynamics?
Offer good through May 31