Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter
allows you to remember who you are.
Simplicity doesn’t change who you are,
it brings you back to who you are.”

The Eclipse Path
The eastern half of the U.S., Central America and South America will experience the eclipse's totality.. The Western half of the U.S. and European countries will experience a partial eclipse. People living in countries that are on the eclipse path (where the eclipse is total) will be more directly impacted by the eclipse energies, as will the country and the country’s leadership.
Penumbral eclipse begins at 9:32 p.m. EDT on May 15
Partial eclipse begins at10:27 p.m. EDT on May 15
Totality begins (moon engulfed in Earth’s shadow) begins at 11:29 p.m. EDT on May 15
Totality ends at 12:53 a.m. EDT
Maximum eclipse at 12:12 a.m. EDT
Duration of totality: About 85 minutes.
Partial eclipse ends at 1:55 a.m. EDT
Penumbral eclipse ends at 2:50 a.m. EDT
The Total Lunar Eclipse, May 16 at 25 Scorpio brings a level of intensity that propels us to let go of something that is no longer useful to our lives. By releasing what complicates and weighs us down, we open to a simpler, more peaceful way of living.
Scorpio is the sign of death, but not death as the end, as something final. All life becomes compost for new life that germinates from what was once vital but now gives way for new growth. Hence, Scorpio is the sign of transformation.
Sometimes we cling to something that gave us life and meaning, holding onto it long after it has shown signs of decay and is smelling up our life. his eclipse brings us to a crisis point where we feel the necessity to let the past go. We readily see how lingering old feelings, hurts, and belongings can be released to become the compost that fertilizes a life that is opening for us.
Scorpio brings focus to what dwells beneath he surface of our consciousness, tucked away in the shadows of our awareness. It takes an event to propel what is secreted away to surface so that it can encountered and dealt with. A Scorpio Eclipse is such a time where we are more readily connected to our deepest feelings, secret fears and most powerful desires. With our depths illuminated, we can readily see and make the changes that need to be made.
We are reminded that nothing is ever truly stable and that all life is in constant flux. We may wish to preserve something that has already shown signs of decay, but we then only succeed in calcifying it – to where it is there in form, but no longer contains life or vitality. It might be a habit, a person, a belief, a way of living that once served us but now robs us of strength. The Scorpio Eclipse propels us to embrace change, let go and joyously embrace our life as a process of change, growth, decay and rebirth. Clearing away the old paves the way for new growth.
The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is a crucible for the alchemy that is taking place. For coal to be transmuted into gold, the crucible first heats up. We may feel heated up with emotion, and feel an inner pressure or intensity especially in the area of life indicated by the houses where the Sun and Moon reside at the eclipse. These houses represent a polarity that is seeking to be resolved, where we are looking to let go of drama and intensity in favor of simplicity and calm.
If we stay holding onto what is ready to move out of our lives, the intensity we are experiencing may become exacerbated. Not handled well, there is potential for power games, arguments and conflicts. We seek to remove the complexity and the complicated and look to bottom line and simplify dynamics.
It is beneficial to recognize that everyone around us is affected by the energies of the eclipse and may be feeling more emotional or reactive. We are each realizing what is not healthy or supportive to our future growth. There are conversations with others that may be needed, but it is best to stick to the facts so that the interaction does not escalate into a heated argument (Saturn square Mercury in Retrograde). We are to take responsibility for our shortcomings and not just vent or project onto others. The eclipse invites us to mature in relation to our emotions and attachments; we can see and observe them without letting them sit in the driver's seat where they take over and drive a situation.

Let Simplicity in Living be our North Star
The Sun and North Node in Taurus
Throughout both eclipse seasons in 2022, we are urged to simplify our lives, to identify what is essential and let the rest slide away.
The strong Taurean signature of the 2022 eclipses reminds us that life for humans has not really changed so much since the beginning of time. Food, shelter, companionship, a livelihood remain constants. Taurus would say that everything else we get caught up in simply complicates life and creates unnecessary intensity.
Embrace our Inner Tortoise and Temper the Urges of our Inner Hare
Modern life has allowed many of us to take for granted that basics needs will be met, but a corner is being turned where the most fundamental needs of human life are not guaranteed. We are to rediscover our appreciation for water, air, good soil and, within this, redefine what makes for a good life. Modern society has nurtured a culture that seeks the next adrenaline rush that will provide excitement and novelty. But with produces exhaustion, disconnection and the need to juggle multiple desires and needs. It is time to uncomplicate our life, embrace simplicity and look to creating peace and simplicity in our lives.
Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026) in recent years has been destabilizing what we thought was secure and enduring. Uranus’ purpose is not to create chaos, but to have us discern what is essential, and to have us come into a healthy relationship with the earth and its resources. The North Node in Taurus this year is revealing the new ground on which we can build a future.

Surrender and Readiness
Pluto and Mars as Eclipse Rulers
Scorpio has two rulers: Pluto and Mars. Both these planets play a role in the eclipse dynamic.
Pluto bolsters our readiness to embrace change so that we welcome the transformation that needs to happen (Moon sextile Pluto/Sun trine Pluto).
Mars' drive and assertive tendencies are weakened (Mars in Pisces). We are reminded that there are larger forces at work beyond exercising our personal will. We may feel tired or confused. There is a need to slow down (Mars conjunct Neptune). If we simply keep pressing on, we may experience a physical breakdown that will compel us to rest. By slowing down, we allow for a divine movement, allowing for something larger than ourselves to guide and enrich our lives (Mars/Neptune trines the Scorpio Moon).
Taking the Reins, Being Accountable
Saturn square the Lunar Eclipse
Saturn, the planet of restraint and constriction, is inhibiting habitual movement so that we take the reins and the responsibility for changes that need to be made. We may feel heavy or tired as we face what needs to be done. To the degree that we sidestep responsibility, we may feel reined in, thwarted or even yanked about. We may need to take a stand and state clearly what we are accountable for and what we are not, what works for us and what does not. We are prodded to step up to the plate and come into alignment with who know ourselves to be.
Saturn in Aquarius invites us to have objectivity and detachment in order to see a situation clearly. We are better able to look at the big picture and streamline our goals and activities so that we are not overextended. There may be financial choices to be made that support simplifying our lives.
Saturn, as Lord of Time, has us aware of the cycles and patterns of our life so we can clearly identify and define our North Star (Saturn square the Lunar Eclipse) This clarity has us discern which activities carry us towards our North Star and what activities fritter away energy, distract, or simply exhaust us. We are aware of time - the time it takes to make something happen and that we cannot take time for granted. We are looking to maximize the time we have in a way that produces harmony, peace and stability.
Other Factors to Consider
The personal planets are weakened at this time. Instead, something is propelling us beyond our personality and personal preferences. We are opening to guidance and to movements that are coming from our soul, or from a divine movement that is moving us towards making a needed change. (Sun/Moon, in a point of crisis, square Saturn; Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune. Venus, normally robust in the sign Aries, is less confident while conjunct Chiron; and Mercury is Retrograde)
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini until June 3. We are to remain curious, open to new information or direction. Decisions are to be made from a calm, centered place and not just from urgency or an impulse to have the decision behind us. Mercury is encouraging a rational approach, where sound logic is used in formulating direction or plans.
Jupiter in Aries for the next year. Jupiter spends a year in each sign On May 10, it entered a new 12-year cycle. While last year was a time to complete and integrate. It was a time to honor our sensitivity and grow our compassion and acceptance (Jupiter in Pisces). Now, we are ready to move forth into new territory. There is a new fire igniting within us, and Jupiter’s presence in Aries lets us know that we are ready to grow our courage, our ability to trust our impulses, and to stride forward with confidence and gusto. This fire is just now being lit, and as we make the decisions that need to be made in the wake of the Lunar Eclipse, we are clearing the way for the new growth and new life to take root.