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Virgo Full Moon: Tend to the Obvious

Writer: Liv WoodfordLiv Woodford

Updated: Jan 25

Blessed are they

who see beautiful things

in humble places

where others see nothing.

Camille Pisarro

The Full Moon on March 7, 2023 at 16 Virgo invites us to bring our presence to the care of what is in front of us, zeroing in on what is right under our nose.

The strong Pisces energy of the last weeks has been opening our imaginative and intuitive faculties. The Virgo Full Moon stands alone in the sky opposite a slew of planets in Pisces and Aries at the other end of the sky. The Virgo Moon functions like a kite string, reminding us to keep it real.

Like a camera lens that brings a picture into focus, the Virgo Moon narrows the lens of our attention to the dimensions and definitions of plans that we can do something about today. We can discern what is working and not working, and look to make adjustments so that life functions more smoothly. We are inclined to want to nail down the details of longer range plans, yet we need to remain open and curious about variables that have yet to reveal themselves.

We may very well experience frustration and impatience with ourselves, with others and with circumstance. We may feel an urgent need to act on something and yet wonder why we are hesitant or confused about a choice to be made. The Virgo Moon informs us that this is all the more reason to keep things simple and tend to what is right in front of us. This can look like tending to our body, cleaning out the fridge, preparing the garden for planting, or going through a stack of papers.

We can ask ourself:

What is the best way I can take care of myself today to experience greater wellbeing?

Mars square the Full Moon

Neptune oppose the Virgo Moon

Full Moon Ruler: Mercury in Pisces sextile the North Node, conjunct Saturn

Full Moon Co Ruler: Chiron conjunct Venus and Jupiter

Uranus trine the Virgo Moon

Saturn in the last hour of its 3-year journey in Aquarius

Seismic shifts coming later in March!

To be alive

is to totally and openly participate

in the simplicity and elegance

of here and now.

Donald Altman

The Piscean New Moon on February 20 invited us to look inward, to shift our gaze away from the mundane and open to the numinous, the enduring, divine dimension of life. Three planets still occupy Pisces (The Sun, Mercury and Neptune) with Saturn poised to enter Pisces one hour after the Full Moon. The planets occupying Pisces continue to compel us tap into the unseen energies and feelings that underly and permeate our life.

The Virgo Full Moon asks that we seek balance within ourselves and days. We are, in effect, to have one foot anchored in the practical realities of our daily life and to have the other foot attuned to the subtler, everpresent influences at play.

We are to look at how to better organize our time and energy with an eye to enhancing the connection of our mind and heart, of our soul and body. Ruled by Mercury, the Virgo Moon helps us to articulate what we have been feeling and helps us to clarify the energetic movement that we are intuiting. In narrowing our attention to what is happening in the present moment, we can identify a detail that has been missed around future plans as we continue to identify and synthesize what we have been intuiting and feeling.

The shadow side of the Full Moon can be a tendency to overthink things, getting carried away with analyzing the particulars, and going into overdrive in order to ‘get it right’. We can find ourselves consumed with worry. Runaway Virgo energy is balanced by the Piscean energies that surrender to the mystery of what is unfolding. Understanding that there is no right way to do something, the Piscean temperament encourages us to allow our feelings to inform us as to what direction, what task to move towards, or how to best approach a project. On the flip side, if we are leaning too much into the Pisces energy, we can feel confused and overwhelmed. If we are experiencing an imbalance between the Pisces and Virgo energies, it is best to slow down and tend to what is right in front of us. We are to keep it simple and give ourselves to practical solutions The Full Moon compels us to find the balance between the Piscean and Virgoan impulses, between the expansive and the narrow, between the intuitive and the pragmatic, between the heart and the head.

There are things that only you can do

and you'll know it when you stumble on them;

it feels like flying -

and usually it happens about the time

you quit trying

to do everything right.

Kai Skye

Countering Impatience

Mars square the Full Moon

Mars is the warrior. When Mars is in a stressful relationship with other planets, we can become hotheaded and given to angry outbursts and rash action. We may be feel bottled up, impatient and frustrated.

We may feel the need to bust out of a situation where we are feeling unduly restrained, and yet find ourselves unable to do this. We can slow down and not become hard on ourselves, thinking we are unnecessarily procrastinating about something. We may feel like we should know which way to move, yet caught in a state of indecision.

Mars is completing a seven-month journey in Gemini. This has been a period that had us examine our patterns of thinking, discover new methods for discerning truth form untruth, and explore new ways to communicate and collaborate. As Mars nears the end of its journey in Gemini, we may feel that we should be clear about our direction. Yet at the Full Moon, we are being slowed down, so that we can become aware of a detail that has been overlooked or give better care to some part of our life before we go full steam ahead with our big plans.

Seeing the Benefits of Multiple Options

Neptune Opposes the Full Moon and Conjuncts the Sun

The constellation of Pisces is the Fishes. It is depicted as two fishes swimming in opposite directions, but going nowhere because their tales are knotted together. Embodying the two fishes, we can easily seeing the benefits and impulse of two or more options available and so feel indecisive about which direction to take. What is reasonable may not be the best path. We may be confused around trusting ourselves or question our capacity to achieve the potentials we envision. We are drawn back into listening to our intuition and opening to a message from the universe to know which direction we should take.

Free to be Ourselves

Uranus trine the Full Moon

We may surprise ourselves by suddenly act out of character. We feel greater freedom to be ourselves, to be authentic - perhaps in the wake of some part of our life that has been lost or fallen away. There can be a new development in a relationship with a woman in our lives, especially with our mother, sister or daughter, that feels supportive and breathes new life into the relationship.


Nurturing our Intuition

Full Moon Ruler: Mercury in Pisces sextile the North Node, conjunct Saturn

Mercury is our logical mind, and yet in Pisces we lack objectivity. Our thoughts are colored by our feelings. We are more reflective than expressive. We are need to stay connected with our intuition and a desire to 'go with the flow' in regards to future plans and decisions to be made.

I have noticed a common trait amongst many of my Pisces friends around how they make a decision. For months they can stew on some choice they need to make, unable to make a decision. Each time I talk to them, they will engage me in a dialogue where we go over and over the same pros and cons. These friends operate like the Two Fishes, wanting to go in both directions, but stuck in one place unable to go in either direction. And then one day, I will be talking to them and bring up the choice they have been mulling over for weeks or months. They will say this hasn't been an issue for some time now, and they may have even had forgotten that it was ever one. When I then ask about decision they made, they will nonchalantly say something like: oh I am doing this. Somewhere they had made the big decision. They cannot tell me when they made it and making the decision wasn't a big deal. It wasn't even memorable to them. What happened was: they stayed with their feelings and felt how the energy of their life wanted to move, and they simply went with it. In the end, there wasn’t a decision. They simply felt the right way to go, and suddenly there was no other alternative - hence, no choice.

In many ways, this is the kind of process we need to lean into at the Full Moon. If we are stewing over a choice, we need to stay connected with our feeling nature, so that we can feel what the right move is. This process bypasses the mind's need to analyze and weigh the pros and cons in order to make a good decision. As long as we imagine we are choosing one thing over another, we need to keep life simple. The Virgo Moon tells us that we simply need to take care of what is right in front of us and tend to our wellbeing while we go through process of coming to an intuitive knowing about which direction to take to move towards a desirable future.

Restoration of Self Confidence

Full Moon CoRuler: Chiron conjunct Venus and Jupiter

As Chiron has been moving through Aries, we are healing where we second guess ourselves and recovering our innate capacity to trust our gut instincts. We are feeling more confident to follow our inclinations about what will bring us satisfaction and pleasure. We may experience something at the Full Moon that validates how we have healed in the arena of self-trust. Similarly, if we have been avoiding healing the past hurts that zapped our self-confidence, we may face a circumstance that gives us the opportunity to move through and beyond our insecurities to better stand by ourselves.

Intuitively Preparing for the Seismic Shifts that are Coming

  • An hour after the Full Moon, Saturn moves into Pisces where it will be until February 2025.

  • The Aries New Moon will coincide with the Spring Equinox, making it a potent equinox of new beginnings and a fresh start.

  • Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23 where it will be until 2044!

  • On the heels of the March shifts, we enter an eclipse season and a Mercury Retrograde.

The Full Moon is an opportunity to slow down, take care of ourselves, do the necessary housecleaning and organization, and to keep it simple. In this, we can be connected to our intuition which is attuned to the larger movements that are about to take place, allowing us to psychically prepare for what the coming weeks will bring and how they will inform and further shape our plans for the rest of 2023 and beyond.

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