Whatever life takes away
from you, let it go.
When you surrender
and let go of the past,
you allow yourself to be fully
alive in the moment.
Letting go of the past
means you can enjoy
the dream that is happening
right now.
Don Miguel Ruiz

The Total Lunar Eclipse on March 14, 2025 at 2:55 am will occur at 24° Virgo helping us to address and adapt to what is being cleansed and cleared from our life.
This is the first of four South Node Virgo Eclipses between now and 2027 that support us in processing and adjusting to the seismic changes and transitions happening for us and for our planet. The Virgo Moon compels us to take an honest look at what is not working and needs to be removed. Our attention is drawn to our body for us to make needed changes in some aspect of how we tend to our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
The Virgo Moon serves as a counterbalance for the potential ungrounding influence multiple planets in Pisces may have, focusing us in on what is tangible and right under our nose. In the face of lofty ideals, spiritual yearnings and the dissolution of what has been created, the Virgo Moon encourages us to first address the imbalances within our own health, lifestyle choices and habitual ways of operating. We are to face and eradicate a habit or pattern that disempowers and robs us of vitality.
Finding our spiritual center and engaging in spiritual practice will enhance our trust in the larger events unfolding, as well as in our intuition to navigate significant transitions and endings taking place (three planets and North Node in Pisces). Aligning with the divine and sacred dimension of life will help mitigate the potential for overthinking and excessive worry as our mind tries to figure it all out (S. Node in Virgo), and can also ease the anguish we may feel in response to the suffering around us.
Tapping into and strengthening a transcendent perspective, will give us access to a sea of love that arises when we remember our true nature. We are children of the cosmos, born of the sea and the sky and the stars. Our eternal soul and the souls of those around us were magnetized to incarnate now for the rich potential for exponential growth and healing that this transformative time offers, and the opportunity to gift others and the world with our love, our light and with what we have learned.
Remembering that events happening are part of a larger cycle can help soften the tendency to fixate on one detail or another and miss the bigger picture. As aspects of our life come undone and pass away, there may be uncertainty, chaos, or confusion (Pisces). Mental distress can result from trying to wrap our head around and be on top of the particulars (Virgo). If we can relax around our need to understand why things are happening or to have our future plans all ironed out, and instead trust our intuition to cue us on the next step we should take, we can move in a beautiful way towards the future.
Virgo/Pisces Axis and a South Node Eclipse
The Month of March
Venus Retrograde
Lunar Eclipse Ruler: Mercury stationing
The 29th Degree of Pisces and Neptune
Rare Lineup of Planets in Pisces
Eclipse Season
Saturn and Neptune conjunct the Sun, North Node conjunction and oppose the Moon
Uranus and Pluto trine the Moon and oppose the Sun
The Lunar Eclipse Path. The path of the total eclipse will cross the entirety of North America, western half of South America, Central America. To know when to view the eclipse or to understand more of the phenomenon of a Lunar Eclipse, read Orbital Today Newsletter, March 3, 2025.
A Lunar Eclipse happens when a Full Moon comes close to the lunar nodes. It accelerates or catalyzes the resolution of or closure of something in our lives. Permanent changes and shifts can be happen. Eclipse energies are felt for up to 6 months after the eclipse.
The house where 24 Virgo resides in our individual birth chart reveals the area of life where we have outgrown something. We are ready to complete something and clear the way for something new to emerge. The opposite house (where Pisces resides) indicates where there are spiritual possibilities worth cultivating.

The only way
to make sense out of change
is to plunge into it,
move with it, and join
the dance.
Alan Watts
March: Pivot Point of 2025
The Total Lunar Eclipse occurs within a month of a series of astrological occurrences. March is the pivot point for 2025, meaning that changes and events that occur in March will set the stage for the rest of the year. We be better understood the Lunar Eclipse potential by taking a moment to understand the context of March astrological alignments.
2025 started with more a whimper than a bang. We didn’t charge into the year ready to assert our resolutions, nor did we feel the the confidence or drive to take definitive action. We may have felt frustrated at our lack of momentum or motivation. January and February afforded us the opportunity to review plans and sit with uncomfortable feelings that needed to be worked through. The end of February, when Mars once again moved direct, we found that we had worked through some things and we were a bit wiser in regard to having more clarity around our feelings and needs.
Both Venus and Mercury are Retrograde and will travel over the same are of the sky three times, crisscrossing over the last degrees of Pisces and the first degrees of Aries – the degrees of endings (Pisces) and new beginnings (Aries). There is a letting go of ways where we have been oppressed or given our power away to others. We are reclaiming trust in ourselves and the confidence that accompanies it. We are remembering who we are and are quickening some part of ourselves that has been dormant. We are preparing to fearlessly stand for and stand up for something we strongly believe in.
It is a time of cleansing and purification (Pisces/Virgo) and this includes our relationships (Venus). Relationship that keep us small or unnecessarily restrained are likely to undergo a shift or be left behind. Agreements or shared understandings in our relationships may need to be revisited and revised as we each shed the skin of an older life and way of operating. New people may enter our life to support and collaborate on a shared dream.
While Venus is Retrograde (Mar 1 – Apr 11) and Mercury is Retrograde (Mar 16 to Apr 7), we are to proceed with caution before making a big purchase or decision. We are not to skip over doing the needed research and exploration of options available as part of the process of making a decision from an informed, clear place. Impulsive decisions or ones made out of a false sense of urgency can come back to bite us when these two planets are retrograde.
Eclipse Ruler: Mercury Stationing in Aries. Mercury has come to a near standstill in preparation for turning Retrograde a day after the Lunar Eclipse. Our mind is ramped up and overstimulated. We are ready to do things better, but may be feeling impatience about getting on with it. We need to practice added mindfulness around speaking without thinking, making snap or rash decisions or giving someone a piece of our mind (Mercury in Aries). Taking our time to review plans or decisions may be challenging but needed. We are not to wage war with ourselves as we make realizations around coping mechanisms that are not healthy. Habits often don’t change easily and we can be kind to ourself as we our honest with ourself and stay committed to making changes that need to be made.
The second half of March sees a multi-planet lineup at the last degrees of Pisces (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Ceres and the North Node) announcing that we are at the threshold of sizeable and definitive endings. We can find ourselves questioning and re-envisioning long-held beliefs on a personal level and as a collective. The nature of the social order is undergoing fundamental changes that are reflected in the dissolution of the world and economic order that has been in place since the end of WW11. There is a strong indication that we may see a leader or significant public figure die or fall from grace over the next month. There is a final closure to old ways of operating, old structures, old boundaries, old philosophies or policies.
Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29 with Neptune in its last day in Pisces will finish off a month of endings in a dynamic way. Potentialities for the last days of the month will be covered in the next newsletter.

Feeling compassion for ourselves
in no way releases us
from responsibility for our actions.
Rather, it releases us
from the self-hatred that prevents
us from responding to our life
with clarity and balance.
Tara Brach
Seeing the Whole, Living from Wholeness
Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node (January 2025 -July 2026)
Four Virgo Eclipses Between Now and February 2027
Virgo / Pisces Polarity and the Nodes of Fate
Eclipses occur when the New or Full Moon is within a few degrees of the nodal axis. For the next 16 months, the South Node (the past and what we are to moving away from) is in Virgo. The North Node and what we are moving towards is in Pisces. So all eclipses during this period will have a theme related the polarity expressed through the Virgo/Pisces axis. These eclipses will support us in letting go of patterns that no longer serve us (the S. Node) and hold us back from evolutionary growth (N. Node).
Axis of Health and Healing. We are to address habits or routines that do not serve us and make some changes. The digestive system is ruled by Virgo and the immune system and blood are ruled by Pisces, and both these signs rule health and the healing process. Virgo seeks balance for the physical body and Pisces for our spiritual and psychological health. Both favor cleansing and detoxification. We are cautioned to not try to control our body or be critical of it if it is not perfect or behaving in a way we wish. We are to develop compassion and love for our bodies, and to look to the wellbeing of our whole being beyond just the physical.
Axis of Service. Both Virgo and Pisces place a high value for service with a tendency to sacrifice or martyr themselves in the name of service. Virgo serves by paying attention to the plan, the details and what needs to get done. Pisces serves by expressing compassion and extending lovingkindness to others. We are being called to serve, but we need to examine what we serve and how we can best serve. Beyond serving our family, our community or our work, we can look at how we live in service to a habit that may sacrifice our well being - such as how we give our power away by serving our compulsion around money or shopping, media or substances, or the need to stay hidden or fearful. We can also recognize that we are not alone in creating or making something happen but there are larger forces working with us and through us. We can open to divine support to help us shift deep-seated patterns. Through a reconnection to the sacredness of the earth and life (Pisces), we may birth a different sense of what service to life is about.
Virgo South Node: To minimize stress, we are encouraged to move away from patterns that keep us in our head: overanalyzing, overthinking, or worrying. We may feel stuck and searching for something that will support us. Rather than trying to wrap our head around what is happening or what is needed, we can turn our attention to what is around us and connect to the beauty of the moment as the breeze caresses our face, or how the flavors and texture of a banana delight our mouth, or with the song of the bird that suddenly as come to sit on our windowsill. We are to drop into our feelings and our connection with nature and the divine. It does not mean that stop doing something about what is worrying us. It means that we open to receiving clarity, guidance and answers while we are not thinking about answers but trusting our feeling nature and engaging in practices that have us feeling greater connection with ourselves, the world and the sacredness of life.
Releasing tendencies to control an outcome or discerning exactly what is needing to happen, we can make room the unknown, and the chaotic. Ancient civilizations perceived chaos as negative or unwanted, but as the counterbalance to order and definition. One does not exist without the other. Western civilization’s mandate to control the elements and create order to keep chaos at bay, can only work for so long before chaos busts through and presents itself- whether through a natural disaster or human error. If we embrace the adage: No Mud, No Lotus, we can see that perhaps chaos is a natural ingredient in the creation of something truly beautiful.

Something amazing happens
when we surrender
and just love.
We melt into another world,
a realm of power already within us.
The world changes when we change.
The world softens when we soften.
The world loves us
when we choose to love the world.
Marianne Williamson
Meeting Change
The Virgo Moon aspect multiple planets
In the sky, opposite an an impressive lineup of planets in Pisces, The eclipsed Moon provides an objective and honest look at what isn’t working. We feel it. We are getting more information about it as the Virgo Moon supports us in seeing, analyzing and discerning small details. We are to take responsibility to handle and complete or close out something. It can feel uncomfortable. We may be feeling disappointment or grief, but once its done, its done (Saturn oppose the Moon).
The Virgo Moon brings our focus to our body to address imbalances, habits that don’t serve our health goals. There is support for cleansing and detoxification as we look to feel lighter and clearer. The attention we give to the imbalances in our mental, emotional or physical body helps us to process, pivot and adapt to the big endings and changes occurring in the world and our lives. Living in a time of endings can have the effect of a) stirring up confusion, overwhelm and fear; or b) creating a spiritual opening that results in an expanded sense of self. Whichever our response, the Virgo Eclipse points us in the direction of routines to ground, calm and bring us into balance.
Most importantly, as we commit to improvements we wish to make, we are to speak kindly to ourselves and not berate ourselves when we don’t live up to our own expectations. We are to root out where we sabotage our best efforts and lovingly address where we have hidden in denial. We are to release patterns of oppression, including in how we relate to our bodies, so that we move from love in how we handle the imperfections, mistakes and failings happening in our efforts and in the efforts of those around us.
Moon oppose Saturn reveals where we are stuck, resistant to change or to letting go. We may be emotionally frozen or blocked. Being critical of ourselves or pushing ourselves to do something is likely not going to unstick us. We are to parent ourselves by listening to our body and engaging it with compassion. We are to give ourselves the experience of being cared for as a way to loosen our fear to move beyond what we know to engage change and a future that seems shrouded in a mist.
The three transpersonal planets engage the Lunar Eclipse -
Neptune conjuncts the Sun and oppose the Moon.
Both Pluto (out of sign) and Uranus either sextile or trine the Moon and Sun.
The engagement of the transpersonal planets at the eclipse assures us that we will be given the support and resources needed to move through the transformative and substantive changes happening within the collective.
In relations to the lunar eclipse, Neptune has arrived at the final degree of Pisces, an initiatory degree, the degree of transformation in the sky. Neptune arrives at this degree once every 162 years. It signifies big endings within the collective that speak to ways of living that have reached their expiration date and will now dissolve and fall away. Clarity around what is happening or understanding what is coming down the road may elude us but we are encouraged to listen to our feelings and trust our intuition to help us to know the next steps to take.
Uranus, in relation to the lunar eclipse, supports us in being able to pivot or break from a particular habit so we can better respond to what is emerging in the wake of the endings. Uranus brings in fast moving changes but also ushers in solutions and resources to move with the changes. Uranus, in relation to the eclipse, can help break us out of a funk. It can break up indecisiveness, or help relieve the stress caused by unexpected developments. We can have a breakthrough moment that helps us let go of something we never imagined we could live without. New possibilities are circumstances can arise suddenly that alleviate worry as they reveal new options and resources. We can have flashes of insight that help us to see what we previously could not.
We can experience a kind of paralysis if we are waiting to have all the details, the concrete plan, and the verifiable information. Its not about getting the answers, and understanding what is needed, but to open to the divine dimension to trust that we will receive the resources or what we need to know at the time we need it.
Pluto in Aquarius, in relation to the lunar eclipse, helps us to be open to new paradigms that are expressions of Aquarian themes. This includes increased confidence to work with new technologies, such as AI. In addition, humanitarian values of equality, collaboration, interconnectedness, respect for all life are being nurtured within the collective. Looking to the future, we are supported in adopting innovative and progressive means to help make the world a better place for all who call it home.

It takes a lot of courage
to release the familiar
and seemingly secure, to embrace
the new. But there is no real security
in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security
in the adventurous and exciting,
for in movement there is life,
and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
Connection to Wholeness
The Sun, Saturn North Node, Neptune and Ceres in Pisces
Pisces evokes the numinous, the intangible, the eternal. It evokes the primordial ocean that dissolves and reabsorbs all forms at the end of their lifespan, and gives rise to the new dreams and new forms that will emerge. So many planets convening at the final degrees of Pisces, cue us that we are in a phase of dissolution where significant aspects of our created reality have reached their expiration date and are now dissolving and leaving us. It is the end of an era, the end of a paradigm.
Logic or rationale are insufficient to successfully navigating the realm of Pisces. Paying attention to our night dreams, intuition, creative urges, and experiences of synchronicities can yield a richness of perspective, healing and resolution. Sudden insight and answers are likely to reveal themselves when we are not focusing on the problem or question. Recognizing that what is needed is perhaps beyond our control, we can surrender to a larger force, trusting that we will be guided and supported with the resources and opportunities we need when the need becomes apparent.
In order to trust the larger cosmic cycles and movements, we may be working through patterns of identifying as a victim or grappling with patterns of persecution or helplessness. We may need to face issues of substance addiction or self-deception. Invalidating our sensitive nature and shutting out the divine dimension of life, can lead to a magnification of fatigue, overwhelm or fear.
We are called to find our spiritual center, to remember our true nature and our innate, sacred relationship with nature and the cosmos. Oriented to a spiritual perspective, we become less identified or less hooked by the forms our life takes or does not take. When a particular form that provided definition and security to our life, falls, this can lead to a kind of spiritual initiation or awakening. We recognize that life is not about accumulating or keeping something stable. Life is about movement, change and growth. We are here to learn, to expand, to evolve. From this vantage point, we can find rich soil for transformative growth within the current instability and changes in the collective. Deepening our relationship to the spiritual, we bolster our imagination and creative spirit, open ourselves to the mystical and the miracle, and experience the magic of synchronicity, of surrender and of grace.
When a form or forms that provided definition to our life disintegrate, and the new ground has not yet materialized, then we must reach for what has been perpetually present in our life that we can trust to not leave us. To the degree that we can reach for the eternal presence, however we define it, is the degree to which we will not sink into the the suffering, anguish or powerlessness that can surface in the face of loss.
Neptune conjunct the Planets in Pisces. As said, Neptune is at the 29th degree, a degree of initiation and big endings. We may feel swept up in waves of compassion and divine love, or equally we can be experiencing emotional overwhelm and fatigue. We are between the old and the new, not straddling, but in a kind of void or state of limbo. The foundation is crumbling beneath us. We are to let ourselves feel the ending and then shift our inward gaze to connect with what is on the verge of emerging, and let ourselves yearn. Look to where 29 Pisces falls in our natal chart to indicate the area of life we are to dream and yearn for a new life. The yearning helps to feed and open us to what will come after Neptune enters Aries - for the first time in 162 years - on March 30.
Saturn conjunct the planets in Pisces. Saturn, planet of responsibility, helps us to get real. Piscean energy is dreamy, lofty, and its bliss can easily signify premature transcendence. The shadow side of Pisces is toxicity. With Saturn present, we are to recognize where our bodies, our thoughts, our immediate environment exposes us to toxicity and look to cleanse and clear this. Focus is to be generously given to what stands in the way and blocks the full expression of our love and compassionate nature. There is a tension here between optimism and pragmatism, between embracing an ideal and being realistic. We are looking to ground ourself in practices that are spiritual or therapeutic. We are to be about our soul work of healing what is not whole. We are to ground inspiration in something realistic and doable. Fortunately, our capacity for discipline and drive is enhanced (Mars trine Pisces planets) and we can make solid strides in our healing work.
North Node conjunct the planets in Pisces provides us our North Star. To move towards the future in a beautiful way, we must recognize the unseen realm, the place of spirit, of divinity, and the oneness of all life. We are to seek a spiritual transformation as part of the paradigm shift that we are experiencing as a collective. And, we are to birth our collective path to the future from within a spiritual context.
In Conclusion
We are in the midst of big endings. Global endings. Philosophical endings. Personal endings. Not the end of the world but the world as we have known it. To move in a good way with this, the Virgo Lunar Eclipse brings our attention to the imbalances and to the toxicities that exist in our bodies, our minds, our psyches and our immediate environment. We are to take the steps to bring ourself into more wellness and harmony.
The multiple planets in Pisces gathered around the final degree of the Zodiac signify the endings, but also the dream of what is to come. If we heed the call to uplevel our attention to the habits that need shifting and the cleansing that is needed, we can then connect with the magical, mystical and unseen. At the heart of the collective imbalance is the fissure between spirit and matter and the work to resolve this begins with each of us.
Tending to our grounding, our healing, our restoration of inner balance, we can then tend to the yearnings, the dream of what wants to be. We can surrender to divine flow and timing - not as resignation but as an act of connection and trust. We can put faith in our love, and in the love that permeates the universe and all life. It is this love that will guide the formation of a new reality, a new paradigm that will emerge in the wake of what has fallen away.
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