Year Package
6 Sessions to Support Life Direction and Goals
Service Description
5-hr Astrology Sessions plus one Transit/Progression Reading to Support Life Direction and Goals. The package also includes a special mini reading (to cover a current phenomenon such as an eclipse or a retrograde) plus discounts on other readings Liv offers. Sessions focus provide astrological insight into current life dynamics, supporting you to navigate life with fresh perspective on the design unfolding. Available for returning Clients only To receive details and pricing of the year package, email livwoodford@livbydesignastrology.com For more information the packaged sessions available, contact Liv omwoodford@gmail.com
Cancellation Policy
There is no charge for readings, classes or events cancelled at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled time. A $35 charge is applied if cancellation is less than 48 hours of scheduled time. $75 or 1/2 the cost of the session (whichever is smaller) is charged for a missed appointment.
Contact Details